

Here in this blog you will find art photos, a basic information about photography, cameras and whatever you probably need to know about photography so that if any of you is interested to become a photographer, you at least have some ideas how to start and also it's designed for people who love watching photographs.

Whatever comes to your mind when you watch a photo, the more attention you pay, the more you will figure out what photographer was trying to point you out . What is the point when someone ask to take a picture with him/her? some may say just for fun, Some may think deeper and answer to capture beautiful moments that we are together. The beauty is not only the moments you had been beside your friend or the one who you may care about the most, but also is the moments that you dont have him/her beside you anymore and you need to express your feelings. That's about the time you get back to those pictures you've taken. You may see the pictures and say what a memorable day it was. Why are you gonna say that ? you say that because of the emotions that you felt in that particular moment . We all have feelings and emotions experienced which sometimes forget, but wait a minute "forget" is not a good word as they are unforgettable. we just sometimes get busy with things in the work place, during hard times and etc.

As I believe, every photo has emotions inside. When you watch them, they talk to you and when you watch more, seems they just talk to you louder with a smooth communication. The creatures make colors and a perfect design with each other. They complete the one another and they become a single thing which is art and we capture them as photos.

Let's experience some new tastes .

Thank's for reading!

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